
Love the Sole-Mate. It's subtle, warm and and organic. Doesn't get wierd with other effects. Replaced a Holy Grail, which was too strong and sterile. I've only gigged the SM once since receiving it. I will post a review on Harmony Central after more gigs.

When I decided to replace the HG, I first cruised forums for candidates. Narrowed to Dr. Scientist Reverberator and the SM. I then checked Harmony Central. So many reviews are posted by kids or manufacturers' reps. If I don't see a genuine review, I only pay attention to the negative reviews.

I A/B'd then this with a DrS through Youtube. The Sole-Mate video had more playing, less talking and varied styles. Dr.S=digital. SMt=revb tank. SMt +2. SMt big -1.

Because I'm so happy with the pedal, I'm glad to tell you how I decided to buy it, and my personal info. I'm 45, a lawyer, playing 10 years, blues and bluesy rock, 50 small and medium club gigs a year, own 40 guitars, 15 amps, 20 pedals, spend 8K/yr on gear.


From a dealer:

I had a local guy come over today to pick up some Weber's. He wanted to hear a Sole-Mate. I plugged one into my Vibroclone..which is a blackfaced Silverface Bandmaster Reverb head in a Vibroverb 115 cab.

We A-B'd with the amps reverb and your reverb and I'll be dammed if that Sole-Mate didn't sound just as good.
Trust me...I am a total reverb freak and my Vibroclone has about the best reverb I've ever heard.
I don't say this lightly.

I'll probably be ordering a tweed to replace the one this guy's gonna buy when he gets paid.

Catch you later. I hope all is well.
Bob Hyde

A service kudo:

I wanted to follow up and thank you for repairing the unit and even going above and beyond and not charging me for the repair. Your generosity is truly appreciated. Please know that I will advise all of my musical contacts of this experience and advise them to check out Van Amps products as they are first rate, and more importantly, the people behind the products are first rate as well.


Got the reverb unit delivered a couple of days ago. It sounds great, it is exactly what I was hoping for.


Just to let you know, my Vanamps solemate arrived this
I've had a few hours with it now plugged into my Cornell
Romany (UK Boutique valve amp) which is a non reverb amp, and am more than
pleased to say the least!!
I have been searching for an Analog reverb to do this amp
justice since I got it 5 years ago, and now i've found one!!
A beautiful reverb with no alteration to tone or volume.


The Sole Mate arrived a few days ago, it's everything I hoped for and more,
an excellent product.


got the sole made last week.
I am very happy with it
sound better than every spring reverb i have had.

Helgi from Iceland

I just wanted to say thanks and give appropriate props for your fantastic Sole-Mate Reverb pedal. Seriously, the only thing I've ever heard/owned that sounded better (and then that is only by a little, if and only if, it is in pristine condition, which mine is...)is a vintage Fender Reverb Tank. But risk taking one of those out on gigs to be stolen? Uh, no way? And, overall, reliability and, again, in general, sound (unless compared to a relic in perfect condition) - better and almost equal, respectively. So, what's not to like? Nothing! It is a great pedal and one that I'll recommend to anybody who inquires with me about the solution to quality reverb, without the expense nor hassle of tracking down the ever more rare mint vintage Fender Reverb Tank. Much better than the Little Lanilei by Songworks and, frankly, the Danelectro Spring King doesn't even merit being mentioned in the same sentence as the Sole-Mate, even if being used as a negative comparison. Thanks again and I hope to hear more new, exciting pedals from Van Amps in the future,


Dear VanAmps,

I love your sole-mate reverb unit! I purchased one through
SuperSound Music. I also posted a review on the TopHat Amps forum,
since the Club series does not come with reverb and in my opinion the
sole-mate and the TopHat Club Royale were made for one another.


Well I received my Vanamps Sole-Mate from you last week-end & wow I'm
very impressed!!

At first after playing with the unit for a while I forgot how much
presence it brings to your overall tone untill I switched the pedal off &
all that amazing warm tone went!! The Sole-mate is now on basically
all of the time & I'm loving it!!

The Victoria Bassman is the first amp I have used that obviousally doesn't
come with a built in reverb BUT I would say the Vanamps reverb is
better than any built in reverb I've heard!!

A big big thanks for selling me the pedal I'm sure it will become a main
part of my effects rig long term!!!!


Recently purchased this pedal, and it is just the best sounding outboard
reverb I've ever owned!!!! Blows away any other external reverb pedal
I've ever tried, and rivals springs in my old Fenders.

Great effect! Hats off to you.

Greg Smith
Reagan Boggs Band

Thanks again, I'm spreading the word and already have 2 fellow guitarists very interested!
I love the unit, I haven't had that good of reverb since my Fender Deluxe reverb and this is better in my opinion!

Thanks again,